Renewal in one’s own faith life is the first step to sharing
the good news with other people. The
same Peter who had denied Jesus turned into a bold witness to the gospel. What happened? He encountered the resurrected
Jesus who loved him despite his betrayal.
Jesus forgave Peter, gave Peter a new start, and it made all the
How has Jesus made a difference in your life? This question is sometimes impossible for
people who’ve been in church forever to answer.
It’s critical for our sense of mission to be reminded that we are people
in need of God’s love and we’ve got
it. The more we live with the awareness
of that amazing grace, the more courage we’ll have to share it with others.
Listen to the sermon here.
This week I will preach on the conversion of Saul. Saul persecuted Christians and then, an
experience of the resurrected Jesus on the road and just like that, he becomes
Paul, the biggest champion of Jesus.
It leads to the question: why don’t you think God can change
you too? Adults come up with all sorts
of excuses for why we can’t do new things (too old, too set-in-my-ways, too
comfortable, too poor, too tired, too many people relying on me, too
embarrassed, too afraid). God can ALWAYS
do new things. If God could change Saul
into Paul, God can transform your life too.
Is there an area of life you’d love to change
but don’t know how?
Do you believe that in the future, you could
serve God in a new or different way?
When is the last time you remember having the
courage to make a big change?
Be at Peace,
Pastor Sarah
Sermon series on Acts is the best. I did one last summer and will do another this summer, because it went so well in leading the congregation into new vision and ministries. Blessings on your work!